Themes of transformation, movement, scale, detail, and color are fundamental elements to my work and practice. Subjects flow one into the next, connecting ideas instilled by author and audience alike, favoring meaning to be mutually constructed rather than individually instructed.


My work is often small in scale, fostering an intimate, one-on-one conversation with the viewer. The meticulous details, boisterous colors, and energetic line work imbue a sense of movement, elevating a static object into something more, all while revealing new elements with each pass of the eye. Such interactions ask one to be present, if for but a moment.


Similarly, the process of crafting rich detail on small surfaces requires me to quiet my mind and be present in my body, serving as a personal form of praxis when living in an economy that demands ever more energy and attention. The work, both in creation and reception, asks us to be grounded in the here and now.